Kanawha Valley Collective
A Continuum of Care working to prevent and end homelessness
in Kanawha, Clay, Boone and Putnam counties.

Kanawha Valley Collective and United Way of Central WV are teaming up to give you the opportunity to show off your baking and building stuff as we create a Gingerbread village as unique and diverse as our community. Register today as an individual or as a team. Teams can be your family, friends, schools, church groups or business associates. Registration is FREE but due no later than December 11th, 2019! Gingerbread House creations must be delivered to the United Way of Central WV's Clay Room no later than December 11th at 10am.
We are looking for bold gingerbread houses that are unique, worldly, and family friendly. Think outside of the box, or in this case, the oven.
Entries will be judged on use of theme, “More than a Home for the Holiday”, overall imagination, construction, uniformity in baking and overall design.
Contestants will compete in the following categories:
Top Adult, Top Youth, Top Team/Business and People's Choice.
Contest Winners will be announced via Facebook no later than 1pm on Wednesday, December 11. People's Choice winners -individual and team - will be announced on Friday, December 13. Winners do not need to be present to win.
People’s Choice Tickets for voting will be sold 5 for $5.00 through 4pm Thursday.
All proceeds, through donations and People’s Choice ticket sales, will go to support the 2019-2020 Charleston Winter Warming Stations.
Please submit entry forms to Kristi Wheeler at kwheeler@unitedwaycwv.org or Kim Riddle at kriddle@unitedwaycwv.org. Should you have further questions you may call Kristi at (304) 340-3544.
The Rules
· Contestants will design, bake and decorate a gingerbread
creation. You can also simply buy a gingerbread house kit.
· Contestants may enter more than one category.
· Entire display except for base should be made of edible
materials. Entries must be constructed of mainly gingerbread
and icing; unwrapped candy, cookies, crackers, cereals, pasta
and any other food item. Entries may use lollipops with paper
or plastic stems, sticks, etc. Use your imagination—
Gingerbread “houses” can also be barns, houseboats, tiny
houses or any other imaginative dwellings.
· All entries must be on a wooden or heavy cardboard base, no
larger than 20 inches x 20 inches. No decorations, icing or
others may be on the sides of the base.
· We will display your name, house name and age/category next
to each entry.
You must submit your entry in digital form, email or direct mail no later than 10am on Wednesday, December 11. You must deliver your completed Gingerbread creation to United Way of Central WV Clay Room on Wednesday, December 11 by 10am and be assigned to my division table. You acknowledge that your entry will be in place and on display Wednesday, December 11 through close of business Thursday, December 12. Your entry may not be picked up prior to 2pm on Thursday, December 12. Entries may be picked up after 2pm on Thursday, December 12. Entries must be claimed by 9am on December 13, 2019. Entries not picked up within the designated window will be discarded beginning at 9am, Friday, December 13, 2019.
You hereby grant permission to United Way of Central WV and Kanawha Valley Collective to print or otherwise duplicate the picture or likeness of your entry and/or yourself with your entry for either internal or external release, this includes print and online publications, plus local and network television. You understand that the image of your entry becomes the property of Kanawha Valley Collective. United Way of Central WV and Kanawha Valley Collective reserve the right to refuse entries that are deemed inappropriate for display. You agree to all terms of and have fully read the 2019 Rules and Procedures. Any/all competitors submitted as contributors have parent/guardian permission to participate in the 2019 competition.
Deadline Extended
to Dec. 11th!